Congratulations to our 2020 OTA season class winners!

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T3: Daniel Santinbanez

T2: Shane Bawa

T1: Victor Vasco

GT4: Anthony Ho

GT3: Daniel Cocar

GT2: Adam Mann

GT1: Mohamed Hussain

SGT3: Alexander Aljochin

SGT2: P Musial

SGT1: Nathan Hodgins

Mod3: Haotong (Leo) Zhang

Mod2: Brad Coleman

Open Mod: Richard Yin

Congratulations to the 2020 rookie of the year – Daniel Cocar!

Your overall SERIES Champion is Adam Mann! 

For full details on the points breakdown and standings, please see official event #6 results here.

Thank you to everyone who participated as a competitor or volunteer in the 2020 Ontario Time Attack season! This year saw an explosive growth of first timers to our series and we appreciate and thank you for all your support!

All previous and current competitors should have received a feedback questionnaire for 2021 suggestions to rules and classification. Please take the time to fill it out and help us to improve!

Further communications to be issued out about an online meeting in lieu of our annual Competitors Meeting due to Covid-19. At this point in time, a banquet is on hold until local governments can determine whether we will be allowed to have one.

Stay tuned!